Jill Biden

That’s Dr. Biden to You.

How belittling and bias impact women – even the future first lady


As a life long learner with a Master's Degree and lots of credentials after my name, Joseph Epstein’s op-ed in the Wall Street Journal "Is there a Doctor in the House? Not if You Need an MD?" touched a nerve.  My Irish Grandmother came to the US in 1930 with elementary school education, a work ethic, and a dream. She always said, "Education is your inheritance. Jobs and people may come and go, but no one can take away your Education."  My grandmother’s dreams came true as my mother was the first in her family to go to college and her children all now have degrees. My grandmother was right. My Education is the most critical thing I have done to further my career, become an independent female leader, and raise my children to value Education. Joseph Epstein’s calling for future First Lady, Jill Biden,  to stop using her “Doctor" title because she is not a medical doctor shook social media over the weekend, spurring outrage at the author Joe Epstein and the Wall Street Journal. Epstein offers Biden "a bit of advice, "referring to “Madame First Lady – Mrs. Biden – Jill – kiddo," Epstein recommends that she drop the honorific of “Doctor” before her name.

Epstein writes,"'Dr. Jill Biden' sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic," explaining that after all, she only achieved her “Ed D – a doctor of education, earned at the University of Delaware.” He argued that a “wise man once said that no one should call himself ‘Dr.” unless he has delivered a child.”  The WSJ op ed speaks to unique challenges women face every day as we enter the business and political world created and defended by men; deprecating cutesy monikers and bias.

Cutesy Monikers 

Epstein refers to a grown, educated, 69-year-old, intelligent woman as "kiddo."  Professional career experts' consensus says that calling woman cutesy monikers is reminiscent of the “good ol' boy" network and has no place in business or politics. The nicknames are belittling and distracting, used to detract from a woman's credibility and respect, which is blatantly apparent in this case. It's time to recognize it, call it out, and finally stop it once and for all. 


Epstein’s sets out to diminish Biden's Education by attacking not only her achievement but the institution she attended and even when she pursued her degree.  Had she received her Ed D from an ivy league school, would he have boldly commented?

Epstein goes on to discount the future first lady's Education, completed in 2014, stating, "Ph.D.'s have lost prestige due to the erosion of seriousness and the relaxation of standards in the study of humanities." Should everyone who received a Ph.D. after 2014 stop using their titles? Or is it only educated women in the spotlight who make Epstein uncomfortable?  The obvious and blatant bias toward women continues as Epstein refers to a simile for rarity, by comparison, using the phrase: "Rarer than a contemporary university honorary-degree list not containing an African-American woman." 

Bias towards women stems from insecurity and fear. The unfortunate thing about bias is recognizing that it exists doesn't mean a person wants to change. The world now knows for certain that Epstein is biased.  The more critical and terrifying question is just how biased is the Wall Street Journal for printing this sexist op ed in the first place. Many men, including Dr. Henry Kissenger and Dr. Martin Luther King, were referred to by the WSJ journalists with the "Dr." title. They never delivered a baby.  


I can't help but notice that women continue to outpace men in the pursuit of Education. In my own experience, I had to have more credentials and designations that my male counterparts to get a seat at the table and keep it. Studying while working full time and raising a family was daunting and stressful, and I did it because I, like Jill Biden, never wavered on my aspirations and goals. 

Women know their value and no longer need to hide our accomplishments. Dr. Biden, the future first lady of the United States, said it best   “Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished.” 

That day should be here already.  It's 2020, people. Women will continue to rise up, celebrating, and acknowledging our contribution to the world.

Dr. Biden, continue to name and claim your Education and be a role model for women to courageously show up every day. You make a difference.