Tricia is a sought-after leadership speaker and construction industry expert.

Tricia understands the challenges of navigating the executive ranks when you’re often the only woman in the room. That’s why she’s dedicated to eliminating the term “nontraditional role in the workplace” by equipping organizations and individuals with the tools to create healthier work environments that celebrate intersectional diversity, reduce risk, and empower future generations. Tricia’s exceptional mission has garnered wide recognition, including the 2020 IRMI Bill McIntyre Leadership Award.

Tricia is available for keynote addresses, workshops, and moderator/panelist collaborations nationwide.


Tricia’s Main Elevated Topics


Powerful and engaging, Tricia customizes her presentations to ensure the audience leaves energized and inspired
while keeping her talking points accessible and practical. She is available for keynote addresses, workshops, and moderator/panelist collaborations, and her topics can be tailored for specific demographics including women,
young professionals, C-suite executives, entrepreneurs, leadership and management teams, safety and risk
professionals, and more.


Building the Bridge:

Breaking Down Barriers for Women
in Construction 

Most male-dominated industries like construction, safety, and engineering face a potentially catastrophic risk as the future workforce pipeline erodes.

  • Despite Diversity and Inclusion programs and valiant efforts to fill the workplace pipeline, the historically male-dominated industries are not attracting and retaining talent successfully.

    Tricia provides an excellent keynote presentation exploring how female change-makers have successfully navigated their careers and identify steps leaders can take to create open, dynamic, thriving workplace cultures.

Key Note or ½ Day Workshop

Self Defined Success – Navigating the Barriers Women Face Mid-Career

It is not unusual for a woman's career to stall at some point, frequently at mid-career when the opportunities should be present, but often are not.

  • Why is this and how can women take the next step to ensure that their career path will continue in the direction they envision? What is the role of networking, sponsorship, allyship, mentorship and personal wellness in this journey to a successful and rewarding career?


Breaking the Bro-Code:

Breaking Down Barriers for Women in Non-Traditional Work Roles

Women continue facing challenges that hinder them from reaching their highest career potential. 

  • Some of the roadblocks include societal expectations, lack of female representation in the C-Suite, bias and misconceptions across regions and cultures, and the continued responsibility for child and elder care falling predominately on women.

    The Key Notre presentation will explore these barriers and discuss personal perspectives from the book The B Words, as well as solutions and action steps that organizations must take to create and accelerate pathways for success.

Becoming a Leader Worth Following

Everyone of us speaks, but not everyone is heard.

Everyone is also a leader in some way, whether it is intentional or unintentional. 

  • Using the Giant Leadership Catalyst Process, Tricia provides key note presentations, workshops and coaching to empower people to name and claim their inner critic, identify their tendencies that may be holding them back and break through to become the leader and communicator they are meant to be.


Companies Who Have Partnered With Tricia Kagerer